(360) 433-1040
The Taylor Made Retreat is a supportive, educational recovery program in a loving family style environment and is not a substitute for psychotherapy, medical or clinical treatment.
Longtime Volunteer Brings Deep Breaths and Calming Thoughts
/in Uncategorized /by IsabelleShe walks through our copper door with her rose-colored glasses, her little chihuahua Fuschia, and a warm smile. Patty is one of our most beloved and longstanding volunteers. She brings a sense of peace and a spirit of joy as she teaches Qigong (chi-gong) and meditation at Taylor Made. Her sober journey started before many […]
Back On Pointe: Patrick’s Story
/in Uncategorized /by IsabelleThere’s a stark contrast between the beauty and grace of ballet and the ugly and unforgiving grasp of addiction. For more than half his life, Patrick was caught between the two. When Patrick moved to San Francisco at the age of 17 to pursue his dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer, he felt restless, […]
Sobriety and the Next Generation
/in Uncategorized /by IsabelleAlcoholism affects everyone around the alcoholic. Some describe an untreated alcoholic as a tornado destroying everything and everyone around them. We have found that once an alcoholic finds a solution to their seemingly hopeless condition, they are able to repair relationships and help other alcoholics. Additionally, they can become productive and wonderful members of the […]
An Introduction to the 12 steps of Alcoholic Anonymous
/in Uncategorized /by tmradminAlcoholics anonymous twelve steps are an arrangement of spiritual principles. It is a camaraderie of individuals who solve their drinking problems. Sincerely practicing these principles in real-life empowers individuals to expel their drinking obsession while enabling them to recover from alcoholism. Regardless of age, gender, or education, anyone can participate in the A.A. meetings where […]
The Importance Of Personal Growth In Recovery From Addiction
/in Uncategorized /by tmradminThe fundamental concept of addiction recovery is personal growth. Regardless of the uniqueness of every type of addiction, one of the most common underlying reasons is the desire to escape reality. Accepting the current situation as it is, and coming to terms with the emotions one feels, is essential to cease this longing to escape. […]
5 Tips For Helping Your Loved One With An Addiction
/in Uncategorized /by tmradminWitnessing someone battling with addiction is distressing and emotionally draining. It can take a heavy toll on your mental and emotional well-being. It brings a huge pile of stress while constantly testing your patience, straining your bank balance, and leaving you racked by feelings of regret, guilt, sadness, anger, and so on. One of the […]
How can Yoga Help in Recovery from Drug and Alcohol Addictions?
/in Uncategorized /by tmradminYoga is a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines that improve one’s mood and the feeling of well-being. It has numerous therapeutic and restorative benefits in mental wellness. Therefore, substance abuse treatment and recovery programs are prominently used to prevent relapse and diminish withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings. Hence, it empowers you with a […]
Advantages of Yoga in Recovery From Addiction
/in Uncategorized /by tmradminRecovery from addiction and substance abuse is challenging. Depending on the type and seriousness of addiction, the process and time of recovery may differ for each individual. Among the various forms of treatments, what may help one may not prove beneficial for others. However, walking on the path of spirituality by taking the assistance of […]